Happy three years, sweetness!

For the past 1,096 days you have made me the happiest person in this entire world. You have treated me with the utmost care, patience, and love. You have been my rock, my constant, my greatest supporter. You have listened to my rants, watched me cry, guided me through my anger-filled moments, and provided an escape from reality. You have made me a better person, and you continue to do so every single day. You make me strong, loving, and kind. Every day spent with by my side is another day where I am pushed to be the best version of myself. I don't think there are words to express to you exactly how I feel, but for the past 1,096 days I think I have shown you. You are my best friend, my life partner, and my better half. You are everything to me my pedacito divino. I hope I can continue to show you how much you mean to me for many, many years to come. It's crazy to think that a lifetime won't be enough time to truly show you, but I promise I'll do my best with the time we're gifted. The Universe gave me the greatest blessing I would ever receive 1,096 days ago, and every day I feel like I have to pinch myself. You're a dream turned into reality, Alecsito. So here is to us- to our love, our friendship, our bond. We are blessed to experience this once in a lifetime type of love. Thank you for these three years of adventure.

Some of the Places We've Been

Some of the Concerts We've Attended

Some of the Events We've Celebrated

But To Celebrate Our Three Years....